Connection search using Branch and Bound

For each origin zone, a search tree of suitable partial connections is generated which stores all sufficiently suitable connections from this origin zone. This means that not only the best connection is found for an OD pair, but a large number of good connections. In this way, a very selective distribution of travel demand is possible.

  • A search impedance is used in order to evaluate the quality of connections. For all (partial) connections found in the search, the search impedance is calculated using the following equation:

SearchImp = In-vehicle time • FacIVT +

PuT-Aux ride time• FacPuTAuxRT +

Access time • FacAccT +

Egress time • FacEgrT +

Walk time • FacWlkT +

Transfer wait time • FacTrWaitT +

NRT • FacNRT +

Transport system impedance • FacTSysImp +

Vehicle journey impedance • FacVJImp

  • For the in-vehicle time or PuT-Aux, additional specific factors of attributes from vehicle journey sections or transport systems may be used.
  • Besides various time components and the number of transfers, these include TSys-specific supplements listed under Transport system impedance. That is, how common distance-based fares can already be considered during the search. The complete Visum fare model will take effect during the connection choice. However, this is no restriction, since the approximate fare calculation during the search is sufficient for the distinction between reasonable routes and useless ones.
  • In addition, via Vehicle journey impedance, the vehicle journey-specific impedance is added. It results from two freely selectable attributes of the vehicle journey items – as boarding supplement and as general discomfort term. In this way, individual vehicle journeys can be favored or penalized.
  • (Partial) connections to a destination or intermediate node are evaluated and compared with any other (partial) connection to the same point. Then it can efficiently be decided which branches of the search tree can be continued ("branch") and which have to be cut ("bound") (Dominance and Bounding).
  • It is possible to specify an upper limit for the number of transfers in a connection.

Pairwise comparisons are helpful for the identification of useless connections.

If a connection is in no respect more appropriate than another connection in the same temporal position, then this connection is called dominated and will be discarded. This means in detail:

A connection c’ dominates a connection c if

  • c’ lies within the time interval of c
  • NumTransfers (c’) ≤ NumTransfers (c)
  • SearchImp (c’) ≤ SearchImp (c)
  • and if
  • real inequality applies to at least one of the three criteria or
  • both connections are equivalent

To compare two connections without defined temporal position (that means: without path legs of the 'PuT line' type) the first rule is changed to the following: Journey time (c’) ≤ journey time (c).

When evaluating partial connections, it may be useful to consider the wait time until the arrival of an alternative partial connection.

Path legs without a defined temporal position (e.g. pure DRT path legs) cannot be dominated by path legs with a defined temporal position.

  • Connection 1 dominates connection 2, since it is really located in the time interval of connection 2 and because other indicators of connection 1 are either as good as those of connection 2 or even better.
  • Connection 1 does not dominate connection 3, since the temporal positions differ, nevertheless connection 1 might be useful for those passengers who want to depart later though the indicators of connection 1 are worse.
  • Connection 1 does neither dominate connection 4, since connection 4 does not require as many transfers as connection 1 which might be acceptable for some passengers though this means a longer journey time.
  • (Partial) connection 1 does not dominate (partial) connection 2 if the wait time up to 7:10 is taken into account by the corresponding option, since passengers use a continuing connection at a time past 7:10, for example


Connection 1

Connection 2

Connection 3

Connection 4

Temporal position

6:00 - 7:00 a.m.

6:00 - 7:10 a.m.

6:10 - 7:20 a.m.

5:30 - 7:20 a.m.

Number of transfers











Besides the temporal position, the following rules are applied to exclude connections which differ considerably from the optimum in one or several criteria:

A (partial) connection is deleted if

  • Search impedance of the connection > minimum search impedance • factor + constant, or
  • Journey time of the connection > minimum journey time • factor + constant, or
  • Number of transfers of the connection > minimum number of transfers + constant.

As a matter of principle, connections which are optimal in one of the three dimensions will not be deleted in this step, even if they violated the rule of another dimension.